Transcription Words Formation

Published on by VINOD NAIR


in psychiatry files it is "thought racing" not rising

It is always "acute on chronic"

the patient complains of

the patient comes in with complaint of

at the present time" and not at 'at present time

detrimental NOT decremental

Pseudomonas pneumonia always P in caps

COARSE breath sounds not course

WORK OF BREATHING (Not) workup breathing

dorsal lithotomy position not dorsolithotomy position

the patient will always die of a disease not from a disease


if only the month and year are dictated it is "IN"

eg. in August 2003.


if the date, month, and year are dictated it should be on

eg. on August 18, 2003.


Hemoccult is with h caps NOT hemoccult

rongeur not rancher

it is always

liver function "tests"

pulmonary function "tests"

it is "straight-leg raising" NOT rising

when epinephrine is given along with a trade drug then "E" should be in caps otherwise in lower case


Marcaine with Epinephrine

lidocaine with epinephrine

Xylocaine with Epinephrine

Wagner grade 1 ulceration

Factor 5 Leiden Mutation

Janeway lesions, Osler nodes

B-natriuretic peptide


sylvian fissure hematoma

Urine Legionella Antigen ELISA

bovine pericardial prosthesis

Filipino female/male

Jobst garment

Cytomegalovirus buffy coat


direct Coombs negative


Gore-Tex pericardial closure

Epworth sleepiness scale


the PICC line



LeVeen shunt

Integrilin therapy

Profore compression wrap

quadruple coronary artery bypass grafting

Staphylococcus aureus

lichen planus and lichen sclerosus

negative nitrites for urine test

Ferritin total iron

Zetia drug

Bradycardia induced torsade arrest with syncope.

concomitant bypass surgery

Plain x-ray

Strattera for his ADD

familial Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

hamartomatous polyps

Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome

Carney syndrome

autosomal dominant fashion

Oxaliplatin and infusional 5FU

cryptogenic liver cirrhosis

5-FU and leucovorin

Leukocyte esterase

pursestring suture

XRT means radiation

its wound vac and not wound bag

pseudomonas aeruginosa

methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

CHOP - chemotherapeutic agent

carboplatin plus paclitaxel followed by cisplatinum with gemcitabine

DNRCC-arrest status

Adenosine stress sestamibi test

diaphragm artifact.

puree diet

Geodon for schizophrenia

café-au-lait spots

Book walter retractor and Composix mesh

oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

nystatin swish 'n swallow

ProBalance enteral feeding

endometrial strip

ground lamella

esophageal dysmotility

sphenoid sinusotomies

uncinate process

bulla ethmoidalis

gangrenous process

maxillary antrostomies

Infrarenal aorta


Clostridium difficile toxin

Hyperechoic area

propofol, fentanyl, and versed five oocytes sites

Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

gastric transaction incentive spirometer home

Insulin glargine

piperacillin and tazobactam


mucous membrane

mucus discharge

pre-B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia

serosanguineous exudate

Sustained release diltiazem

Double aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass graft

Undulating obtuse marginal

Quinine sulfate one grain

Toronto stentless porcine valve

Cardiac workup culminated


diffuse tenderness

tactile sensation

morcellation technique

Pararenal aortic aneurysm

presumed small vessel thromboembolic events

axillobifemoral bypass grafting

RSR prime

an hourglass shape

Cascade Vascular

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